James W. Knox was born February 26, 1958 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He grew up in New Smyrna Beach, Florida where he graduated high school in 1976. Over the next three years he earned degrees in English and journalism from the state university system of Florida, graduating with honors in 1978 and 1979.
He received the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal savior on December 17, 1976 and began to preach the word of God in November of the following year.
Brother James is the founding pastor of THE BIBLE Baptist Church (1987) of DeLand, Florida, USA. The brothers and sisters in Christ at The BBC prayerfully distribute recorded sermons and Bible studies to 182 countries, with 5 million units having been sent out since 1988. In addition to the ministry of recorded sermons, dozens of book titles in print, many of which are being translated into numerous languages, enable this ministry to be of instruction and encouragement to untold numbers around the world.
We would ask you to remember Brother James with the words of Romans 15:30:
Now I beseech you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ’s sake, and for the love of the Spirit, that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God for me.
You may contact Brother James via our Contact Form
From Where I Stand: Photo Pages
From time to time, something comes up that simply cannot be left unchallenged or without remark. Quietly ignoring the unbiblical has no basis in Scripture, so when a situation calls for pastoral commentary, this is where it is posted.