On this page you will find the full text in PDF format of old and long out of print books written by converted Roman Catholics, and by those who took the time to study and research true beliefs and practices. These works are both shocking and vital. We know that you will find them of great interest.
- John L. Brandt, America or Rome, Christ or the Pope. Toledo, OH: They Loyal Publishing Company, 1895.
- Walter M. Montaño, Behind the Purple Curtain. Los Angeles, CA: Cowman Publications, Incorporated, 1950.
- Robert Seth McCallen, The Devil in Robes -or- The Sin of Priests. Aurora, MO: The Menace Publishing Co. (Inc.), 1900.
- Benno Loewy, The Devil In The Church And His Snares Laid To Destroy Our Public Schools. Beaver Springs, PA: American Publishing Company, 1902.
- Leonard S. Ingram, The Golden Scales -or- Hear “The Other Side”. Surrey, England: W.W. Allen, Esq. 1957.
- B. H. Pearson, The Monk Who Lived Again. Winona Lake, IN: Light and Life Press, 1948.
- Walter Walsh, The Secret History Of The Oxford Movement. London, Church Association / Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Ltd. 1898
- Ex-Priest Bernard Fresenborg, Thirty Years in Hell -or- From Darkness to Light. St. Louis, MO: North-American Book House, 1904.